Does The Paint Answer Guy Answer Every Question?

From a write-in person.  Does the Paint Answer Guy answer every question sent into this blog?  The answer is yes and always has been.  However, not all paint questions are pertinent enough to post in this blog so I will at least reply to the paint question through the blog reply.  Sometimes people have sent me their phone number and I may call them back for a discussion about the question.  That has its limitations on time.

I try to answer paint questions with as much information so that the question is answered with a better understanding of the subject.

Hopefully, this answers that question.  So as to speak.

I am here to answer your major or minor paint questions so please take advantage to comment or reply asking a question for an opinion on paint or decorating with a straightforward answer.

As always, thank you for your time with this blog “Paint Answer Guy”

Roger Merrill